Yesterday on my sheirut ride back home, I realized how varied the citizens of this country are. When i got on, there were two Ashkenazi Israeli friends in the back row. To my right, on the other single seat was an Ethopian Jew. At the next stop, a Filipino mother-daughter duo walked in. And of course, me, an American-Israeli. Other places that people make Aliyah from include Canada, France, UK, Russia, and the list goes on. Singles, families with toddlers, grandparents, teens with or without their families make this huge decision. All of these diverse Jews from all different backgrounds decide to move to Israel and settle. There is an estimated 3,000+ Israeli born babies to olim (new immigrants) parents or a mix of Israeli and Oleh/ah. At the end of the day Israel isn't as bad as people complain about. People are willing to look past the bad and appreciate the good; the closeness between Israelis, the laughter, the pride.
Judging by the diverse people that Israel accepts into their country, how can people accuse Israel of being an apartheid state?