Monday, September 2, 2013

Only In Israel (OII)

While waiting on the sidewalk to cross the street, an old lady approached me - as if I had met her before-  and asked me something in Hebrew. Understanding only half of what she said, I wrinkled my forehead. She asked me "At mevina oti?" (Do you understand me?). I said No. After she rephrased it, I understood and agreed to help.

When the light turned green, I held her soft, wrinkly hand to help her cross the street. She wasn't feeling  so good so she wanted to make sure she would make it safely to the other side. And she did. As our hands parted, she thanked me and wished me a Shana Tovah (Happy New Year).

Only in Israel is the bond so close between citizens that you ask a complete stranger for help, but feel like they will do anything to make sure you are okay, even though they met you five minutes ago!